Usually, training sessions take place in room F102 in the Fürstenberghaus on Fridays and in room U82 in the KSHG on Saturdays. In rare cases there may be room changes, but these would be communicated in the training announcement.
Getting to F102
The room F102 is in the so-called “Fürstenberghaus”, on “Domplatz” (close to the cathedral).
The way is a bit tricky so here’s how you can get to the room:

Getting to KSHG
The “Katholische Studierenden- und Hochschulgemeinde” or in English the “Catholic Student and University Community” (in short: KSHG) kindly provides us with rooms for our Impro-theater trainings. (Note: The KSHG Münster does not work in cooperation with our university group. The rooms are requested by us each time via the room booking service).
The address of the KSHG is: Frauenstraße 3-6, 48143 Münster.
You can find the map of the KSHG here or look here on Google Maps.For orientation within the building, you can find the room plan here.
The room where we often meet is the „Karl-Rahner-Zimmer“ or „Zitronenzimmer“ (Lemon Room 🍋) in the basement (U82).